18 June 2024

Why the Trade Should Shop Locally

As a plumber, heating engineer, or bathroom installer, you know the importance of quality products and reliable service. But have you ever considered the impact of where you buy those products and services? Shopping locally at independent plumbing stores, and bathroom showrooms, especially those that are members of The IPG, brings a host of benefits not just to you, but to your community as well. With Trade Local Day just around the corner, there’s no better time to explore why supporting local businesses is so crucial.

Strengthening the Local Economy

When you purchase from local independent stores, more of your money stays within your community. This means that every pound you spend contributes to the economic health of your area. Local businesses are more likely to source products and services from other local companies, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the local economy. This helps to create jobs, foster entrepreneurship, and stimulate local investment. By shopping locally, you’re helping to build a stronger, more resilient local economy that benefits everyone.

Personalised Customer Service

One of the biggest advantages of shopping at local independent stores is the personalised customer service you receive. Independent store owners and employees often have a wealth of knowledge about their products and are genuinely invested in helping you find the best solutions for your needs. They can offer expert advice, recommend the best products for your specific projects, and even provide tips and tricks that you might not get from larger chain stores. This level of personalised service can make a huge difference in the success of your projects and your overall satisfaction as a customer.

Unique Product Offerings

Independent stores often carry unique and specialised products that you won’t find in larger stores. This can be particularly beneficial for tradespeople looking for specific tools, materials, or fixtures that meet particular project requirements. Local stores are also more likely to stock high-quality, niche products from smaller manufacturers who might not have the distribution networks to get their products into larger stores. By shopping locally, you have access to a wider range of unique products that can give you an edge in your trade.

Building Stronger Community Connections

Shopping locally helps to build stronger connections within your community. When you support local businesses, you’re more likely to form relationships with store owners, employees, and other tradespeople. These connections can lead to valuable networking opportunities, collaborations, and partnerships that can benefit your business in the long run. Being part of a close-knit community also means you’re more likely to hear about local events, training opportunities, and other resources that can help you stay ahead in your trade.

Environmental Benefits

Local businesses tend to have a smaller carbon footprint compared to large chain stores. They often source their products locally, reducing the need for long-distance transportation and the associated environmental impact. Additionally, local stores are more likely to implement environmentally friendly practices and support sustainable products. By choosing to shop locally, you’re contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible community.

Keeping Your Community Unique

Local businesses play a crucial role in maintaining the unique character and charm of your community. Independent plumbing, heating, and bathroom stores add to the diversity and vibrancy of the local marketplace, offering products and services that reflect the unique needs and preferences of the community. By supporting these businesses, you’re helping to preserve the distinct identity of your community and ensuring that it remains a great place to live and work.

Encouraging Innovation and Competition

Local businesses are often more agile and innovative than larger chains. They can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs, leading to more innovative products and services. Additionally, the presence of independent stores fosters healthy competition, which can drive down prices and improve quality for consumers. By shopping locally, you’re encouraging a dynamic and competitive marketplace that benefits everyone.

Why Trade Local Day Matters

Trade Local Day is more than just an event; it’s a celebration of the incredible work that independent plumbing stores, and bathroom showrooms do every day. It’s a reminder of the importance of supporting these businesses and the many benefits that come with shopping locally. On 9th September, take the time to visit your local IPG member stores, take advantage of exclusive deals, and participate in the activities planned for the day. Your support can make a significant difference to these businesses and the wider community.

How You Can Get Involved

  • Visit Local Stores: Make a point to shop at your local independent plumbing, heating, and bathroom stores. Take advantage of the expertise and personalised service they offer.
  • Spread the Word: Use your social media channels, email newsletters, and word of mouth to let others know about the benefits of shopping locally and the upcoming Trade Local Day.
  • Participate in Events: Attend workshops, product demonstrations, and other activities planned for Trade Local Day. These events are a great opportunity to learn, network, and support local businesses.
  • Share Your Experience: Use the hashtag #TradeLocalDay to share your experiences on social media. Tag your favourite local stores and encourage others to do the same.


Supporting local independent plumbing stores, and bathroom showrooms is more than just a good business decision; it’s a way to invest in your community and ensure its continued prosperity. With Trade Local Day on 9th September, there’s no better time to start shopping locally and reaping the many benefits that come with it. Join the movement, support your local IPG members, and make a difference in your community today.

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